Diagnostic Radiology
The annual PRRS diagnostic radiology education series runs from October through May. Unless specified, meetings are held at The College of Physicians of Philadelphia starting at 5:15 pm. Most sessions consist of a Blue Ribbon lecture followed by a Keynote lecture with reception to follow. Some meetings can also be attended virtually, however, to do so, you must be a member.
Annual Oration
Annual Oration
Mitchell Schnall, MD PhD
Eugene P Pendergrass Professor of Radiology
University of Pennsylvania
Keynote Speaker
Mammography: Supplemental Screening with Breast MRI
Elizabeth McDonald, MD
University of Pennsylvania
TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 2024: Updates in Nuclear Medicine
Blue Ribbon Speaker
The Past and Future of Theranostics
Philipose Mulugeta, MD
Associate Professor of Clinical Radiology
Clinical Director, Nuclear Medicine
University of Pennsylvania
Keynote Speaker
Advances in Nuclear Medicine Theranostics
Austin Pantel, MD MSTR
University of Pennsylvania
FEBRUARY 11, 2025
Sandeep Deshmukh MD Memorial Lecture
MSK Advanced Imaging
Imaging and Image-Guided Intervention for Core Muscle Injury
Adam Zoga MD, MBA, Professor of Radiology, Thomas Jefferson University
Ultrasound of the Pitching Elbow: Summary of 20 Years of Research
Levon Nazarian MD, Professor of Radiology, University of Pennsylvania
Taking a Radiology Idea to Market
William Morrison, MD, Professor of Radiology, Thomas Jefferson University
March 11, 2025
*meeting will be held at Thomas Jefferson University
Keynote Lecture
The post-treatment MRI Evaluation of the Prostate
Karthik Sundaram, MD PhD
Assistant Professor of Radiology
University of Pennsylvania
Jeopardy Competition
Trainee Jeopardy across all subspecialties
Hosted by Scott Faro MD, FASFNR, Professor of Radiology and Neurology, Thomas Jefferson University
April 8, 2025
Updates in Interventional Radiology
Advances in Non-Vascular Interventional Neuroradiology
Majid Khan MBBS, Associate Professor of Radiology, Johns Hopkins
Review of Interesting IR Cases
Paul Brady MD, Chief of IR, Jefferson Einstein Hospital
May 13, 2025
Mary Stuart Fisher, MD Outstanding Educator Award
College Bowl
Annual Resident Competition!
Hosted by Scott Simpson DO, Associate Professor of Radiology, University of Pennsylvania